Phone and non repeating phone numbers

I'm not sure about that, let's say player1 get's a number 10,it's then stored.Player2 gets a number 11,and he can't get 10because it's stored there. And then the number 11will be stored. Then when player3 buy a phone,won't he be able to get the number 10?

Messages In This Thread
Phone and non repeating phone numbers - by dusk - 12.03.2013, 10:52
Re: Phone and non repeating phone numbers - by dusk - 12.03.2013, 11:00
Re: Phone and non repeating phone numbers - by dusk - 12.03.2013, 11:04
Re: Phone and non repeating phone numbers - by dusk - 12.03.2013, 11:30
Re: Phone and non repeating phone numbers - by dusk - 12.03.2013, 11:37
Re: Phone and non repeating phone numbers - by Itzhak E. - 12.03.2013, 11:42
Re: Phone and non repeating phone numbers - by MP2 - 12.03.2013, 11:42
Re: Phone and non repeating phone numbers - by dusk - 12.03.2013, 13:10
Re: Phone and non repeating phone numbers - by dusk - 13.03.2013, 15:46
Re: Phone and non repeating phone numbers - by dusk - 16.03.2013, 09:38

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