[Discussion] Will SA-MP Servers ever support gamemode plugins? (C++ or C shared/dynamic libraries as gamemode?)

I'm really curious.

From my own experiences in making a mod for GTA:SA which also utilizes the PAWN VM I saw that creating additional support for plugins isn't a total disaster and quite.. easy.

Ofcourse you need to rewrite a bit, but that bit is the callbacks calling, and the only things that need to be added is the natives which would be callable with C syntax from the plugin, not by "hacks" like GDK or "fake amx" (like used in RouteConnectorPlugin).

Adding support to make gamemodes with such a both high and low level language would totally extend sa-mp lifetime (however I can't guess by how much, GTA 5 is coming [however probbly not for the PC so this will gain some additional lifetime for GTA:SA]) and would probably make more people into having a SA-MP server while maintaining the SA-MP "sphere" (with that I mean, sa-mp won't become a "sandbox" like MTA).

Why I ask this is because I am really curious, and it would boost performance here and there of real large servers.

What do you guys think about this (why did the SA-MP team not implement this in the past)?

An official response would be nice but isn't really required here.

Please keep this topic open and don't insult others. PAWN is very important to the SA-MP community, keep that in mind. However - This topic has "nothing*" todo with PAWN.

*I won't compare PAWN with C++ because it's like comparing a house with a car.. totally not comparable. And there's nothing to discuss about it.

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[Discussion] Will SA-MP Servers ever support gamemode plugins? (C++ or C shared/dynamic libraries as gamemode?) - by Gamer_Z - 12.03.2013, 07:39

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