[Tutorial] How to display ingame player stats on your website if you have an .INI saving system.

Sorry but i have to disagree with this tutorial. First of all anyone can read it for outside since there in no protection. I'm saying this since i work on PHP UCP that is reading INI files. I hope that no one will gonna use it like this. Reading files should be protected first by entering username and password (hash and salt possible) then session and maybe cookie depending on personal taste. Other thing placing it under server directory is a FALSE. You can reach user files with FTP function anywhere from outside the server dir.

Don't get me wrong here. Your tutorial is good but you should point out the disadvantages of using it as you created tutorial. Upgrade the tutorial or write down a warning about security issue about using this. I bet you don't want that somewone blame you later if somewone messed up his server files.

This is how you can call it from outside
PHP Code:
Gamedir  =  "ftp://user:pw @ host /" 
allow_url_include is must be set to On (On the server config where you are calling it)

EDIT: You can place the script in same server as samp one but not in samp server folder due to security

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