[Include] Detect Weapon Butt Attack

the problem is sometimes a player who damages another one like this, it won't be synced on their screen and only the person you damaged's screen. to be honest, it's more practical (imo) to just detect if a player did < 3 or so damage with any shootable, and IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint.

Messages In This Thread
Detect Weapon Butt Attack - by HitnKill - 08.03.2013, 23:50
Re: Detect Weapon Butt Attack - by Whitetiger - 09.03.2013, 01:02
Respuesta: Detect Weapon Butt Attack - by Glimma - 09.03.2013, 01:08
Re : Detect Weapon Butt Attack - by LittleSamp - 09.03.2013, 10:24
Re : Detect Weapon Butt Attack - by HitnKill - 09.03.2013, 11:32

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