Does not get that I am at a certain location.

I can not think of a way to do it as my mind is stuck in the same way as I done it above, getting the coordinates and if the player is at one of those houses it will set a certain bool to true etc..

Could you suggest any way to do it?

EDIT: I have this on my OnGameModeInit

pawn Код:
for( new i = 0; i <= MAX_HOUSES; i++)
        format(file, sizeof(file), "House_%d", i);
            x = dini_Float(file, "EnterX");
            y = dini_Float(file, "EnterY");
            z = dini_Float(file, "EnterZ");
            HouseInfo[i][EnterX] = x;
            HouseInfo[i][EnterY] = y;
            HouseInfo[i][EnterZ] = z;
But it still does the same problem.

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