08.03.2013, 11:24
Another problem.
Now, it doesn't work please help me
And also is this working i think not.
Now, it doesn't work please help me
pawn Код:
if(strval(text) == answer && endm == 1)
ReactionTest[1] = GetTickCount();
new timeresult = ReactionTest[1] - ReactionTest[0];
if(Record[MathTime] <= -1)
if(timeresult < Record[MathTime])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "NEWRECORD: %s(%d) has made a new record for answering the Math for %i mileseconds", GetName(playerid), playerid, timeresult);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $1,000 + 2 score for winning a new record!", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 2);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderMath", GetName(playerid));
format(name, sizeof(name), "%s", GetName(playerid));
Record[HolderMath] = name;
Record[MathTime] = timeresult;
else if(Record[MathTime] >= 1)
if(timeresult < Record[MathTime])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "NEWRECORD: %s(%d) has break the record of %s as Fastest Player To Answer Math, answering the Math First for %i mileseconds", GetName(playerid), playerid, Record[HolderMath], timeresult);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $2,000 + 4 score for winning a new record!", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "RECORD: %s(%d) now holds the ''Fastest Player To Answer Math'' Record, %s lose", GetName(playerid), playerid, Record[HolderMath]);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ORANGE, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 4);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderMath", GetName(playerid));
format(name, sizeof(name), "%s", GetName(playerid));
Record[HolderMath] = name;
Record[MathTime] = timeresult;
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "MATH: %s(%d) won the Math Contest, He/She won the $1,000 + 5 score [ Answer: %d ] | MS: %i", GetName(playerid), playerid, answer, timeresult);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIME, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 5);
endm = 0;
timeresult = 0;
ReactionTest[0] = 0;
ReactionTest[1] = 0;
return 0;
if(!strcmp(Chars, text, false) && endr == 1)
ReactionTest[3] = GetTickCount();
new timeresult = ReactionTest[3] - ReactionTest[2];
if(Record[ReacTime] <= -1)
if(timeresult < Record[ReacTime])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "NEWRECORD: %s(%d) has made a new record for answering the Typing Contest for %i mileseconds", GetName(playerid), playerid, timeresult);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $1,000 + 2 score for winning a new record!", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 2);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderReac", GetName(playerid));
format(name, sizeof(name), "%s", GetName(playerid));
Record[HolderReac] = name;
Record[ReacTime] = timeresult;
else if(Record[MathTime] >= 1)
if(timeresult < Record[MathTime])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "NEWRECORD: %s(%d) has break the record of %s as Fastest Player To Type, typing the Type Contest as first for %i mileseconds", GetName(playerid), playerid, Record[HolderMath], timeresult);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $2,000 + 4 score for winning a new record!", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "RECORD: %s(%d) now holds the ''Fastest Player To Type'' Record, %s lose", GetName(playerid), playerid, Record[HolderMath]);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ORANGE, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 4);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderReac", GetName(playerid));
format(name, sizeof(name), "%s", GetName(playerid));
Record[HolderReac] = name;
Record[ReacTime] = timeresult;
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "TYPING: %s(%d) won the Typing Contest, He/She won the $1,000 + 5 score | MS: %i", GetName(playerid), playerid, timeresult);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIME, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 3000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 5);
endr = 0;
timeresult = 0;
ReactionTest[2] = 0;
ReactionTest[3] = 0;
return 0;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
new str[128];
if(pickupid == Pickup[0])
if(InP[playerid] == 1)
if(Record[ParkourTime] == -1)
TimeParkour[1] = GetTickCount();
new t = TimeParkour[1] - TimeParkour[0];
if(t < Record[ParkourTime])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "RECORD: %s(%d) has create new record for ''Fastest Player To Finish Parkour 1''", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $1,000 + 2 score", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 2);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderParkour", GetName(playerid));
Record[ParkourTime] = t;
format(strg, sizeof(strg), ""red"Holder: "white"%s\n"yellow"Milesecond: "white"%i\nParkour 1", Record[HolderParkour], Record[ParkourTime]);
Update3DTextLabelText(Labels[0], -1, strg);
t = 0;
else if(Record[ParkourTime] >= 1)
TimeParkour[1] = GetTickCount();
new t = TimeParkour[1] - TimeParkour[0];
if(t < Record[ParkourTime])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "RECORD: %s(%d) now holds the ''Fastest Player To Finish Parkour 1'' defeating %s's old record", GetName(playerid), playerid, Record[HolderParkour]);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $2,000 + 4 score", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 4);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderParkour", GetName(playerid));
Record[ParkourTime] = t;
format(strg, sizeof(strg), ""red"Holder: "white"%s\n"yellow"Milesecond: "white"%i\nParkour 1", Record[HolderParkour], Record[ParkourTime]);
Update3DTextLabelText(Labels[0], -1, strg);
t = 0;
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 5);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 4000);
format(str, sizeof(str), "[Parkour]: %s(%d) has finished the Parkour!", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIME, str);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "[Finished]: You finished the Parkour, Received $4,000 + 5 score!");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Parkour ~g~Finished~n~~n~~w~Reward: ~g~$4,000 ~w~+ ~g~5+ ~w~score", 5000, 3);
if(God[playerid][1] == 0)
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw4);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw5);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100.0);
SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 100.0);
InP[playerid] = 0;
else if(InP[playerid] <= 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[Error]: You are not Parkouring, You cheat, You cannot get the reward!");
if(pickupid == Pickup[1])
if(InP[playerid] == 2)
if(Record[ParkourCTime] == -1)
TimeParkour[3] = GetTickCount();
new t = TimeParkour[3] - TimeParkour[2];
if(t < Record[ParkourCTime])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "RECORD: %s(%d) has create new record for ''Fastest Player To Finish Parkour City''", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $1,000 + 2 score", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 2);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderParkour2", GetName(playerid));
Record[Parkour2Time] = t;
format(strg, sizeof(strg), ""red"Holder: "white"%s\n"yellow"Milesecond: "white"%i\nParkour City", Record[HolderParkourC], Record[ParkourCTime]);
Update3DTextLabelText(Labels[1], -1, strg);
t = 0;
else if(Record[ParkourCTime] >= 1)
TimeParkour[3] = GetTickCount();
new t = TimeParkour[3] - TimeParkour[2];
if(t < Record[ParkourCTime])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "RECORD: %s(%d) now holds the ''Fastest Player To Finish Parkour City'' defeating %s's old record", GetName(playerid), playerid, Record[HolderParkour]);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $2,000 + 4 score", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 4);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderParkour2", GetName(playerid));
Record[Parkour2Time] = t;
format(strg, sizeof(strg), ""red"Holder: "white"%s\n"yellow"Milesecond: "white"%i\nParkour City", Record[HolderParkourC], Record[ParkourCTime]);
Update3DTextLabelText(Labels[1], -1, strg);
t = 0;
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 5);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 4000);
format(str, sizeof(str), "[Parkour]: %s(%d) has finished the Parkour City!", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIME, str);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "[Finished]: You finished the Parkour City, Received $4,000 + 5 score!");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Parkour City ~g~Finished~n~~n~~w~Reward: ~g~$4,000 ~w~+ ~g~5+ ~w~score", 6500, 3);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
if(God[playerid][1] == 0)
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw4);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw5);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100.0);
SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 100.0);
InP[playerid] = 0;
else if(InP[playerid] <= 2)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[Error]: You are not Parkouring, You cheat, You cannot get the reward!");
if(pickupid == Pickup[2])
if(InP[playerid] == 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Jump, and go to the ground to exit!");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Parachute Received!", 3000, 3);
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 46, 1);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
if(pickupid == Pickup[3])
if(InP[playerid] == 3)
if(Record[ParkourTTime] == -1)
TimeParkour[7] = GetTickCount();
new t = TimeParkour[7] - TimeParkour[6];
if(t < Record[ParkourTTime])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "RECORD: %s(%d) has create new record for ''Fastest Player To Finish Parkour Tower''", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $1,000 + 2 score", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 2);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderParkourT", GetName(playerid));
Record[ParkourTTime] = t;
format(strg, sizeof(strg), ""red"Holder: "white"%s\n"yellow"Milesecond: "white"%i\nParkour Tower", Record[HolderParkourT], Record[ParkourTTime]);
Update3DTextLabelText(Labels[3], -1, strg);
t = 0;
else if(Record[ParkourTTime] >= 1)
TimeParkour[7] = GetTickCount();
new t = TimeParkour[7] - TimeParkour[6];
if(t < Record[ParkourTTime])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "RECORD: %s(%d) now holds the ''Fastest Player To Finish Parkour Tower'' defeating %s's old record", GetName(playerid), playerid, Record[HolderParkourT]);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $2,000 + 4 score", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 4);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderParkourT", GetName(playerid));
Record[ParkourTTime] = t;
format(strg, sizeof(strg), ""red"Holder: "white"%s\n"yellow"Milesecond: "white"%i\nParkour Tower", Record[HolderParkourT], Record[ParkourTTime]);
Update3DTextLabelText(Labels[3], -1, strg);
t = 0;
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 5);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 4000);
format(str, sizeof(str), "[Parkour]: %s(%d) has finished the Parkour Tower!", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIME, str);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "[Finished]: You finished the Parkour Tower, Received $4,000 + 5 score!");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Parkour Tower ~g~Finished~n~~n~~w~Reward: ~g~$4,000 ~w~+ ~g~5+ ~w~score", 6500, 3);
if(God[playerid][1] == 0)
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw4);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw5);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100.0);
SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 100.0);
InP[playerid] = 0;
else if(InP[playerid] <= 3)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[Error]: You are not Parkouring, You cheat, You cannot get the reward!");
if(pickupid == Pickup[4])
if(InP[playerid] == 4)
if(Record[Parkour2Time] == -1)
TimeParkour[5] = GetTickCount();
new t = TimeParkour[5] - TimeParkour[4];
if(t < Record[Parkour2Time])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "RECORD: %s(%d) has create new record for ''Fastest Player To Finish Parkour 2''", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $1,000 + 2 score", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 2);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderParkourC", GetName(playerid));
Record[ParkourCTime] = t;
format(strg, sizeof(strg), ""red"Holder: "white"%s\n"yellow"Milesecond: "white"%i\nParkour 2", Record[HolderParkour2], Record[Parkour2Time]);
Update3DTextLabelText(Labels[2], -1, strg);
t = 0;
else if(Record[Parkour2Time] >= 1)
TimeParkour[5] = GetTickCount();
new t = TimeParkour[5] - TimeParkour[4];
if(t < Record[Parkour2Time])
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "RECORD: %s(%d) now holds the ''Fastest Player To Finish Parkour 2'' defeating %s's old record", GetName(playerid), playerid, Record[HolderParkour2]);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, strg);
format(strg, sizeof(strg), "%s(%d) won $2,000 + 4 score", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, strg);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2000);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 4);
new INI:file = INI_Open("fungaming/Records/game.ini");
INI_SetTag(file, "Game Record");
INI_WriteString(file, "HolderParkourC", GetName(playerid));
Record[ParkourCTime] = t;
format(strg, sizeof(strg), ""red"Holder: "white"%s\n"yellow"Milesecond: "white"%i\nParkour 2", Record[HolderParkour2], Record[Parkour2Time]);
Update3DTextLabelText(Labels[2], -1, strg);
t = 0;
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 5);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 4000);
format(str, sizeof(str), "[Parkour]: %s(%d) has finished the Parkour 2!", GetName(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIME, str);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "[Finished]: You finished the Parkour 2, Received $4,000 + 5 score!");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Parkour 2 ~g~Finished~n~~n~~w~Reward: ~g~$4,000 ~w~+ ~g~5+ ~w~score", 6500, 3);
if(God[playerid][1] == 0)
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw4);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw5);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100.0);
SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 100.0);
InP[playerid] = 0;
else if(InP[playerid] <= 4)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[Error]: You are not Parkouring, You cheat, You cannot get the reward!");
return 1;