07.03.2013, 07:02
A pickup that generates a certain amount of money in a certatin amount of time. (that is easy adjustable
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pawn Code:
new PickUpMoney;//At top.
SetTimer("Pickupmoney", 3000, true); //OnGameModeInIt
PickUpMoney = CreatePickup(1212, 1, -1286.9160,2515.5571,87.1208, 0); //OnGameModeInIt also, change the location to any you want and move the cords to is player in range of point..
forward Pickupmoney(playerid);
public Pickupmoney(playerid);
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, -1286.9160,2515.5571,87.1208); //
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 200);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~~h~Stay ~b~~h~here ~w~to get ~g~~h~money ~w~every ~b~~h~3 ~w~seconds", 4000, 4);