24.02.2013, 13:29
I don't know your /d and /r commands, also I don't know if you know - but you have your own brain! Yes, it comes free at birth. Use it sometimes.
pawn Код:
enum UnitData {
static Units[MAX_VEHICLES][UnitData];
//Creation of unit
new vid = CreateVehicle(...);
new name[5];
format(name, sizeof name, "E%03d", vid);
strcat(Units[vid][uname], name);
//Retrieving example
new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new msg[24];
if('\0' != Units[vid][uname][0]) {
format(msg, sizeof msg, "Hello from unit %s", Units[vid][uname]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, msg);