[Tutorial] Booleans and what they can be used for (Checking states, etc)

Not bad, but just pointing out somethings -

It should be -
pawn Код:
new bool:isplayerongodmode[MAX_PLAYERS] = false;

    if(isplayerongodmode[playerid] == false) //Checking if the 'state' of the player is NOT GOD MODE.
         SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 999); //Setting the player's health to infinity.
         isplayerongodmode[playerid] = true; //Setting the player's mode to 'ON GOD MODE'.
     if(isplayerongodmode == true) //Checking if the 'state' of the player is GOD MODE.
          SendClientMessage(... "You are already on god mode!"); //Sending him the error message.
     return 1;
Also, you should show an example of how to use return true; and return false;

pawn Код:
stock bool:IsAdminConnected()
    for(new x= 0; x < MAX _PLAYERS; x++)
          if(IsPlayerAdmin(x)) return true;
    return false;
and a little more further explain HOW a normal variable differs from a boolean, what's the advantage/disadvantage etc.

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