Originally Posted by Roperr
I'm not really sure as to why this happens, but I'm assuming it's because of you checking player's ping in OnPlayerUpdate.
I might have a fix for you:
Somewhere below the #include <a_samp> and other includes, place this line.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) { if(GetPlayerPing(playerid) > MAX_PING && once[playerid] == 0) { new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],msg[150]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); format(msg, sizeof(msg), "[Kick] Ћaidėjas %s buvo iљmestas uћ per didelį ping'ą. [Max - 400]", name); SendClientMessageToAll(Raudona, msg); SendClientMessage(playerid, Raudona, "Jūs iљmestas uћ per didelį pingą"); SetTimerEx("KickPublic", 10, 0, "i", playerid); once[playerid]=1; return 0; }
Inside the timer.
pawn Код:
forward KickPublic(playerid); public KickPublic(playerid) { once[playerid]=0; Kick(playerid);
i'm gona try it, looks like it gona work