[FilterScript] CrapYoPants

Originally Posted by thefatshizms
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Ah thanks for this information, some of which I didn't know. I wasn't sure on the random players ( In fact i was pretty sure it wouldn't work at all but as there was no body online in my skype/xfire [ loner ;( ] i couldnt test it fully.). A question, how do you get to know all this? From experience ? reading the pdf's provided at http://www.compuphase.com/pawn/pawn.htm#DOWNLOAD_DOCS ? Cause i seriously want to and need to improve my scripting ability's as i want to do this as a job when I'm older.

Although I wasn't expecting this filterscript to get any posts. Neither do I expect many people to use it! As i said it's a useless filterscript I scripted at half one in the morning last night because I was bored.
I learnt pretty much nothing from the PAWN language guide, it's just an awful lot of words. Sure, if I really wanted to master every single aspect of PAWN I might take a look in it, but for people new to scripting/programming it's just terrible and it will only confuse you.

I personally learned a lot from trial-and-error scripting and looking at other scripts and how they did it, for example SeifAdmin (terribly outdated nowadays and it's hard to find a mirror), that's what I'd suggest to new people

Messages In This Thread
CrapYoPants - by thefatshizms - 22.02.2013, 00:28
Re: CrapYoPants - by Yves - 22.02.2013, 00:51
Respuesta: CrapYoPants - by Onfroi - 22.02.2013, 01:17
Re: CrapYoPants - by Yves - 22.02.2013, 02:28
Re: CrapYoPants - by thefatshizms - 22.02.2013, 02:29
Re: CrapYoPants - by Gamer_007 - 22.02.2013, 04:16
Re: CrapYoPants - by Hiddos - 22.02.2013, 10:36
Re: CrapYoPants - by Johny32 - 22.02.2013, 11:40
Re: CrapYoPants - by Mean - 22.02.2013, 11:56
Re: CrapYoPants - by thefatshizms - 22.02.2013, 14:03
Re: CrapYoPants - by [L4T]Left4Theft - 22.02.2013, 14:07
Re: CrapYoPants - by IstuntmanI - 22.02.2013, 15:04
Re: CrapYoPants - by thefatshizms - 22.02.2013, 15:13
Re: CrapYoPants - by [L4T]Left4Theft - 22.02.2013, 15:20
Re: CrapYoPants - by thefatshizms - 22.02.2013, 16:47
Re: CrapYoPants - by x96664 - 22.02.2013, 19:47
Re: CrapYoPants - by thefatshizms - 22.02.2013, 20:07
Re: CrapYoPants - by Hiddos - 22.02.2013, 21:13
Re: CrapYoPants - by thefatshizms - 22.02.2013, 21:24
Re: CrapYoPants - by Hiddos - 22.02.2013, 22:28
Re: CrapYoPants - by thefatshizms - 22.02.2013, 22:36
Re: CrapYoPants - by [L4T]Left4Theft - 23.02.2013, 05:42
Re: CrapYoPants - by thefatshizms - 25.02.2013, 14:36

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