player skin help

i added save skin in my script but

stock saveuserstats

INI_WriteInt(ufile, "pskin", GetPlayerSkin(playerid));


public onplayerrequestclass

SetPlayerSkin(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pskin]);

public onplayerdisconnect

PlayerInfo[playerid][pskin] = GetPlayerSkin(playerid);

public onplayerconnect

PlayerInfo[playerid][pskin] = GetPlayerSkin(playerid);
INI_WriteInt(ufile, "pskin", PlayerInfo[playerid][pskin]);

stock loaduser_data


and what i did wrong? I am making save skin system but when player login 2nd time so they can see skin on requestclass but can't choose another skin. but they are showing me only CJskin and when i spawn i have cjskin.

help please.

Messages In This Thread
player skin help - by blackdragon1 - 22.02.2013, 13:32
Re: player skin help - by blackdragon1 - 22.02.2013, 13:42
Re: player skin help - by Private200 - 22.02.2013, 18:54

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