learning to script

I started back in 2011 with editing gamemodes (in the time of 0.3c/0.3d), and learned quite fast with that..
I got alot support on the forums, and when I knew enough I started with my scratch GM.
I also looked alot on the wiki, actually, I'm still using the wiki alot.
The best thing is to start with little separate systems, so you can get a hold of the basics (loading, saving, e.t.c), and when you've got the basics, you can start with the bigger things.
Motivation, knowlegde and patience.

Messages In This Thread
learning to script - by Yves - 19.02.2013, 19:05
Re: learning to script - by Vince - 19.02.2013, 19:10
Re: learning to script - by Yves - 19.02.2013, 19:17
Re: learning to script - by DanLore - 19.02.2013, 19:19
Re: learning to script - by Yves - 19.02.2013, 19:24
Re: learning to script - by RuthlessThuG - 19.02.2013, 19:28
Re: learning to script - by CrazyChoco - 19.02.2013, 19:56
Re: learning to script - by Jstylezzz - 19.02.2013, 20:02
Re: learning to script - by Yves - 19.02.2013, 20:39
Re: learning to script - by Sinner - 19.02.2013, 21:03

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