17.02.2013, 11:55
Sure :
EDIT: Messed up the script 2 times, now fixed.
For the question above, check your OnPlayerDeath, it should be something like
pawn Код:
CMD:status( playerid, params[ ] )
str[ 1024 ]; // Yes, I know. This one is a big string size.
format( str, sizeof ( str ),
"{FFFFFF}Admin Level : {33FF33}%d \n\
{FFFFFF}VIP Level : {33FF33}%d \n\
{FFFFFF}Money : {33FF33}$%d \n\
{FFFFFF}Score : {33FF33}%d \n\
{FFFFFF}Kills : {33FF33}%d \n\
{FFFFFF}Deaths : {33FF33}%d",
pInfo[ playerid ][ Adminlevel ], pInfo[ playerid ][ VIPlevel ], GetPlayerMoney( playerid ), GetPlayerScore( playerid ), pInfo[ playerid ][ Kills ], pInfo[ playerid ][ Deaths ] );
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 1337, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}Your stats",
str, "Okay", "" );
return 1;
For the question above, check your OnPlayerDeath, it should be something like
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
pInfo[ killerid ][ Kills ] ++;
pInfo[ playerid ][ Deaths ] ++;
return 1;