OnPlayerEnterVehicle help

Something like this?

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
    if(vehicleid == 408)
        if(gJob[playerid] > 1)
            //successfully start the job?
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Your not in job to use that car");
    return 1;
And you have to add "gJob[playerid] = 0;" on "OnPlayerConnect" and "gJob[playerid] = 1;" in your job command.

I dont test it but i think will work.

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerEnterVehicle help - by cluckintucker - 17.02.2013, 03:20
Re: OnPlayerEnterVehicle help - by ]Rafaellos[ - 17.02.2013, 05:15

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