Wine and 0.3x

The chat is drawn using DirectX. And you know what? DirectX is a product of Microsoft. Windows applications aren't meant to be run on Linux.

Messages In This Thread
Wine and 0.3x - by jrkswork - 16.02.2013, 19:56
Re: Wine and 0.3x - by davve95 - 16.02.2013, 20:12
Re : Wine and 0.3x - by jrkswork - 16.02.2013, 20:18
Re: Wine and 0.3x - by Vince - 16.02.2013, 21:44
Re : Re: Wine and 0.3x - by jrkswork - 16.02.2013, 21:58
Re: Wine and 0.3x - by Luk_Ass - 23.02.2013, 13:46
Re : Wine and 0.3x - by jrkswork - 27.02.2013, 20:35

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