Wine and 0.3x

I know !

I just hope that someone has resolved the problem by re-configuring wine ...

Sa-Mp would be made for Linux if GTA S-A was made for Linux ...

In this case the single player game works perfectly ... The SA-MP graphics parts works perfectly ! There's just a prob with this fucking chat box ... (When Chatbox is hidden, the games doesn't freeze when news lines are availables)

I just tested somes options into GTA. It seems that when the chatbox is semi-transparent the freeze are more quick and then I can play without a lot of troubles

Messages In This Thread
Wine and 0.3x - by jrkswork - 16.02.2013, 19:56
Re: Wine and 0.3x - by davve95 - 16.02.2013, 20:12
Re : Wine and 0.3x - by jrkswork - 16.02.2013, 20:18
Re: Wine and 0.3x - by Vince - 16.02.2013, 21:44
Re : Re: Wine and 0.3x - by jrkswork - 16.02.2013, 21:58
Re: Wine and 0.3x - by Luk_Ass - 23.02.2013, 13:46
Re : Wine and 0.3x - by jrkswork - 27.02.2013, 20:35

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