Don't know where to post it but here it is. [HELP]

Alright, I get random OPcodes in this server called WCRP. I got on servers like LSRP and I get ZERO OPcodes but WCRP? Theres certain places I get it, e.g. Idlewood stacks, alhambra to skatepark.

Anyone know how to fix this 'bug' or is it the mapping because they've got mapping near those places.

Some of them are..


[23:29:29] Warning(opcode 0xA6): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x7F0875

[23:29:29] Warning(opcode 0xA6): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x7C755A

[23:29:30] Warning(opcode 0x10: Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x5E8BB41


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