Plane crash at Schiphol, Amsterdam

I live near there, and my friend lives in that village were it happened. (Zwanenburg)
It's hard to get to his house now, all roads are closed.

EDIT: He just saw someone with a skinless face.

Messages In This Thread
Plane crash at Schiphol, Amsterdam - by [RP]Rav - 25.02.2009, 11:42
Re: Plane crash at Schiphol, Amsterdam - by Antironix - 25.02.2009, 11:45
Re: Plane crash at Schiphol, Amsterdam - by SniperX64 - 25.02.2009, 12:45
Re: Plane crash at Schiphol, Amsterdam - by boylett - 25.02.2009, 12:57
Re: Plane crash at Schiphol, Amsterdam - by cmg4life - 25.02.2009, 13:43
Re: Plane crash at Schiphol, Amsterdam - by [RP]Rav - 25.02.2009, 13:54
Re: Plane crash at Schiphol, Amsterdam - by Norn - 25.02.2009, 14:07
Re: Plane crash at Schiphol, Amsterdam - by kc - 25.02.2009, 14:40
Re: Plane crash at Schiphol, Amsterdam - by Yeatric - 25.02.2009, 15:00
Re: Plane crash at Schiphol, Amsterdam - by SniperX64 - 25.02.2009, 15:13

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