14.02.2013, 14:35
That's not an encryption. You can do it, but why? You can't store passwords that way, and it is no use as a lookup hash.
It is.
This is the Encryption, Encrypted in the ROT13 Language.
Uryyb, L_Yrff. Lbh fnvq EBG13 Vfag na rapelcgvba, evtug? Jryy, vg vf. Guvf zrffntr vf jebgr va EBG13. Gunaxf sbe ernqvat.
Hello, ******. You said ROT13 Isnt an encryption, right? Well, it is. This message is written in ROT13. Thanks for reading.
Yes, there is. You have to script it by yourself.
But why ain't you taking Whirlpool or something?