[FilterScript] High Jump fS V-0.2 [update released]

This script is made by "Zayan" ([a.k.a on TWS]: Jumblo)


* Added a function, "ReturnErrMsg(playerid);", returns a err msg if the player is not RCON

* Changed the fS for the RCON admins (only)

What is it:

It is a fS which allows the player to jump higher than ever. Means, you can jump very high. (e.g.: From LV to SF)

How to use it:

1. Login as RCON.

2. type /setjumppower

3. set it to on.

4. Tap the Jump key (key shift)

5. Enjoy :P


* The player dies for no reason

* Solution

* Keep tapping the jump key (key shift) dammit [When you are about to hit the ground, press the jump key before you touch it]

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If you find any bug, post a reply with a photo or pm me.
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Paste bin: http://pastebin.com/t89VhKea

Old versions:

* V-0.1: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...03#post2379703

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Messages In This Thread
High Jump fS V-0.2 [update released] - by ZayanImran - 13.02.2013, 12:53
Re: High Jump fS V-0.2 [update released] - by ZayanImran - 13.02.2013, 13:24
Re: High Jump fS V-0.2 [update released] - by SuperViper - 13.02.2013, 14:37
Re: High Jump fS V-0.2 [update released] - by ZayanImran - 13.02.2013, 15:09
Re: High Jump fS V-0.2 [update released] - by ZayanImran - 13.02.2013, 16:38

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