Problem in OnGameModeInit()

Hello all. I have some problem. When I use in my OnGameModeInit():

new Float:bankomat[14][6] = {
{-1676.34570312,434.01806641,7.08183193,0.00000000,0.00000000,226.00000000 },
{ -1282.38098145,2715.18652344,50.16842651,0.00000000,0.00000000,28.00000000},
And in public OnGameModeInit():

for(new i;i<14;i++)
   bank[i] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("PRINT:\"/ATM\"",COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, bankomat[i][0],bankomat[i][1],bankomat[i][2] + 1,7.0);
but gamemode don't load after this ^

But when cycle = 10, all OK. Why?

P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

Messages In This Thread
Problem in OnGameModeInit() - by kamilot73 - 12.02.2013, 14:15
AW: Problem in OnGameModeInit() - by roym899 - 12.02.2013, 14:36
Re: AW: Problem in OnGameModeInit() - by kamilot73 - 12.02.2013, 14:44

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