[help] NO-LAG + skin damage combat system

I've started playing in a naruto rpg server a little while ago, all the players have to ''patch'' the game with a cocktail o cleo mods so we can see the characters animations, skins and weapons (for instance, a fire skill is made with the flamethower, without the weapon itself) they don't have much things going on yet, it's just starting. Basically all we do is fight eatch other xD, mostly with our fists, there're pretty cool animations and combos that unfortunatly are being affected by the old lag problem.


My brother and I keep the computers side by side, we were fighting on this server... serveral times my character was beating the crap out of his character in my screen, but on his screen was the oposite, his char was steping on my char's face xD, but no damage was being dealt to neither of us.

So I was looking for a way to walkaround this problem and i think i found a the answer in other games, International MMORPGs, what do they do to make a combat fair between players of diferent countries ? check out this video of C9


Did you see that ? when a player hits another player, he paralyzes the opponet in some kind of animation that lasts about 2 seconds, almost unnoticiable due the sequence of blows next (combo). That's Brilliant! a brazilian player can fight a german in a relatively fair combat, sometimes there's a little rollback but that's fine still.

I'm new in all this scripting stuff, i have just modified a few little scripts, that's why i'm asking for help, but I think this is achievable using the OnPlayerTakeDamage function. A system where when a player deal damage to another the injured player freeze for a moment (for let's say, 2 sec), this way, not only his ''lag'' would be on the same spot of his skin, but he wouldn't be able to perform blows animations, and as result, both of them would see on their sreens what is really going on.

My whorie about the proposed idea: (that's the main reason I can't script it)

- When I said ''freeze'' it's not like the /freeze cmd , the injured player must be able to perform the animation of ''being attacked'', is this possible ? If not, freeze him with the animation of being attacked.

The location of the lag is calculated by the user's connection to the server and proportional to the speed of your character. Considering an average ping of 200-220 a character in motion, the lag it is + / - at 2 seconds of the skin. But in a fight where both must be stopped (or nearly so) if they want to strike the opponent, the movement factor doesn't count much, ie, the lag of the characters in combat is already very close to the skin. that is why this system is perfect in this case, ONLY The 1st BLOW of a combo have to hit the oponent's lag. In a stopped character none of that matters (movement / connection), the lag is in the skin.

I'd appreciate if someone could do this for me, thanks and srry for my bad english

Messages In This Thread
[help] NO-LAG + skin damage combat system - by ToySoldier - 12.02.2013, 13:26
Re: [help] NO-LAG + skin damage combat system - by Yves - 12.02.2013, 13:33
Re: [help] NO-LAG + skin damage combat system - by ToySoldier - 12.02.2013, 13:54

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