Model Preview Rotation Flickering

So, as some of you who have tried the feature to rotate the new model previews may know, you need to show the textdraw again for the changes to have effect, well there's a slight problem I've noticed and may or may not be possible to fix.

It seems there's flickering with textdraws if you update them by showing it again after it's created, so if you rapidly update a textdraw (let's say every second), it will flicker and this gets annoying when you're trying to rotate the model in the textdraw, because it's just not smooth at all.

I'm not so familiar with DirectX, so I'm unsure if there's an efficient way to fix this problem, but if there is then perhaps updating the rotation on a preview model should update the model when it's set, so the script doesn't have to call the textdraw show method.

Messages In This Thread
Model Preview Rotation Flickering - by CodyCummings - 06.02.2013, 07:51
Re: Model Preview Rotation Flickering - by steki. - 06.02.2013, 10:13
Re: Model Preview Rotation Flickering - by CodyCummings - 06.02.2013, 20:09
Re: Model Preview Rotation Flickering - by leong124 - 07.02.2013, 05:52

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