Bayside - SF or LV?

Well I was asking because I am creating polygons around the cities to detect when a player leaves the current city, but now I think about it I COULD make it work for LV AND SF:

(Epic Photoshop skills, I know.)

Basically it's going to say 'You are leaving the city' or something when a player is leaving the city, but I guess Bayside can be both LV and SF.

Messages In This Thread
Bayside - SF or LV? - by MP2 - 05.02.2013, 10:10
Re: Bayside - SF or LV? - by steki. - 05.02.2013, 10:15
Re: Bayside - SF or LV? - by ZAM - 05.02.2013, 10:16
Re: Bayside - SF or LV? - by [WA]iRonan - 05.02.2013, 10:22
Re: Bayside - SF or LV? - by MP2 - 05.02.2013, 10:23
AW: Bayside - SF or LV? - by Drebin - 05.02.2013, 10:54
AW: Bayside - SF or LV? - by Blackazur - 05.02.2013, 11:11
Re: Bayside - SF or LV? - by S4ba - 05.02.2013, 11:20
Re: Bayside - SF or LV? - by stormchaser206 - 05.02.2013, 11:37
Re: AW: Bayside - SF or LV? - by MP2 - 05.02.2013, 12:20

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