Two bugs

Originally Posted by povilaslt2
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First, we can't cancel carry special action, but we can cancel other special actions with enter/f.

Second, once u enter bike or motorcycle u just freeze and can't drive or exit from vehicle.
First one, that has to be done by this server, When im doing a 'carry' mission for example, i dont want the player to stop doing that animation.

Second, that is probably something in your script, can you check what happens when you enter/leave a vehicle (maybe you use TogglePlayerControllable() somewhere)

Messages In This Thread
Two bugs - by povilaslt2 - 02.02.2013, 12:34
Re: Two bugs - by ikkentim - 02.02.2013, 12:53
Re: Two bugs - by povilaslt2 - 02.02.2013, 13:05

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