[FilterScript] Simple Masking System. (With labels above head)

Simple Masking System v1.0

What is it?
This is a simple masking system created by iGetty. This system
allows you to mask and hide your name from other players and will
also hide your name and show a label of "Masked Player_%d", where
the %d would be a random value that is assigned upon "/mask".

This will also automatically remove the mask when a player disconnects.
If a player dies with a mask on, they will then have the mask forcefully removed
and it will then show the players name tag again for all players.

There is also a name checking system that I implemented for people that may
want to use this in a game mode. They can use the following:

pMaskName(playerid), to check if the player is masked or not, if they are it will
return "Mask %d", if not it will return the actual player name.

The Commands:
/removemask (RCON admin)

Extra Credits:
ZeeX for ZCMD.
Incognito for Streamer.
****** for sscanf2
SA-MP team for the ability to script for SA-MP and for the a_samp include.
iGetty for creating this filterscript.

Please don't remove any credits for this script as it was created for the SA-MP
community out of good will and I would appreciate it if you could at least be
respectful enough to keep them there.

Thank you for using the script.





The only reason I have done something so simple is because of the fact that I have seen many people asking to see a mask system,
that has the name above the head.

Or just in general attaching a TextLabel to a player, making it follow them around, therefore I have created this as an example,
along with just being able to have a masking system.

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