Textdraw Problem - Paying 5$ for a fix.

Well first of all, you're running the timer after 500ms (0.5 second). This may cause some problems, as this timer hides the textdraw. You may try increasing this to about 5 seconds (5000 ms) instead, and see if it helps.

Messages In This Thread
Textdraw Problem - Paying 5$ for a fix. - by -CaRRoT - 01.02.2013, 10:51
Re: Textdraw Problem - Paying 5$ for a fix. - by Apenmeeuw - 01.02.2013, 14:12
Re: Textdraw Problem - Paying 5$ for a fix. - by -CaRRoT - 01.02.2013, 14:45
Re: Textdraw Problem - Paying 5$ for a fix. - by LarzI - 01.02.2013, 15:42

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