Tank(Rhino) Health

Hmm, IIRC OnVehicleSpawn isn't called when you use AddStaticVehicle.. You can try looping through all vehicles that are spawned (or MAX_VEHICLES ..) and then do the check and set its HP if it's a Rhino.

Messages In This Thread
Tank(Rhino) Health - by Castro36 - 31.01.2013, 17:26
Re: Tank(Rhino) Health - by Vince - 31.01.2013, 17:33
Respuesta: Tank(Rhino) Health - by Castro36 - 31.01.2013, 17:51
Re: Tank(Rhino) Health - by Vince - 31.01.2013, 18:16
Re: Tank(Rhino) Health - by LarzI - 31.01.2013, 18:30
Respuesta: Tank(Rhino) Health - by Castro36 - 31.01.2013, 18:37
Re: Tank(Rhino) Health - by LarzI - 31.01.2013, 18:38
Re: Tank(Rhino) Health - by ikey07 - 31.01.2013, 19:18
Re: Tank(Rhino) Health - by Gamer_Z - 31.01.2013, 19:25
Re: Tank(Rhino) Health - by LarzI - 31.01.2013, 19:30

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