Blocking due to a 'server full' attack


Blocking due to a 'server full' attack (1)

Most people have seen some similar message before. Thanks to 0.3x I'm getting this whenever I connect 15 or more NPCs at once. I found out how you could block the server full attack in 0.3e, which made me join 100 NPCs at once. Now, again, this ugly shit happens which is probably the cause of:
"0.3x contains some important netcode changes, including general security updates that address potential Denial of Service attacks against servers"

Now, I did find a 'workaround' or so, which is my old trick + connecting every NPC once every 500 ms because "if I connected 100 NPCs at once I may attack my own server (?)".

Probably most people think "why do you need 100 NPCs?", well, I'm pretty sure some servers reach 15 NPCs or so, but have the same problem as me..

I doubt I'll get an official reaction or something, or some fix because Kye is 'busy' with '0.4'..

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