[HELP]money do not decrease when buy car (AVS)

hello, i have some problem with my server. i have Zgaming Gamemode and have Advanced Vehicles System filterscript on my server, when i buy the vehicle the money don't decrease and the player just buy a free vehicles. i try to fix it but i can't resolve the problem (maybe my GM have server-side money or anti-cheat for money hacking) please help me with this problem. thank you

this is my Zgaming Gamemode and avs filterscript:
GM and AVS filterscript

Messages In This Thread
[HELP]money do not decrease when buy car (AVS) - by Kuroshiki - 31.01.2013, 10:40
Re: [HELP]money do not decrease when buy car (AVS) - by kiss - 31.01.2013, 10:54
Re: [HELP]money do not decrease when buy car (AVS) - by Kuroshiki - 31.01.2013, 11:38

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