MySQL Designing

Originally Posted by DirtyLilFreak
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I think its quite clear. He wants a php/mysql based website >.<
No thats not clear at all. Such a generalized statement implies that he has NO idea what he wants the MySQL portion to actually do. You can have PHP without MySQL, so the two dont always go hand-in-hand.

And for all we know, the website he wants may not need to rely on ANY sort of starting off with the mindset of "this site is going to have MySQL whether I use it or not" is just silly.

Honestly...if he wants someone to build him a site it would probably be helpful to know what its actually trying to accomplish.

Messages In This Thread
MySQL Designing - by Height - 30.01.2013, 10:43
Re: MySQL Designing - by R@f - 30.01.2013, 12:20
Re: MySQL Designing - by Max_Coldheart - 30.01.2013, 12:55
Re: MySQL Designing - by lolumadd_ - 30.01.2013, 18:39
Re: MySQL Designing - by RedCrossER - 30.01.2013, 18:52
Re: MySQL Designing - by DirtyLilFreak - 30.01.2013, 19:20
Re: MySQL Designing - by R@f - 30.01.2013, 20:19
Re: MySQL Designing - by Mean - 30.01.2013, 21:08
Re: MySQL Designing - by kaisersouse - 30.01.2013, 21:10
Re: MySQL Designing - by kaisersouse - 30.01.2013, 21:13

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