IRC Chat to Server Chat?

Hi all,

I succesfull made a channel that is connected to the server.
If i chat in the server i see it in the irc chat.
But how can i make if i talk in irc chat it will appear in the serveer chat.


Messages In This Thread
IRC Chat to Server Chat? - by Admigo - 30.01.2013, 16:38
Re: IRC Chat to Server Chat? - by ThePhenix - 30.01.2013, 16:52
Re: IRC Chat to Server Chat? - by Admigo - 30.01.2013, 17:30
Re: IRC Chat to Server Chat? - by kaisersouse - 30.01.2013, 17:33
Re: IRC Chat to Server Chat? - by Admigo - 30.01.2013, 20:26
AW: IRC Chat to Server Chat? - by Blackazur - 30.01.2013, 20:29

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