19.02.2009, 23:46
THanks for the reply.
This works partly.
I put it in like this..
The only problem is when there are more than 4 players requesting one of the random spawns, it doesnt work. they dont spawn anywhere. Instead they stay where they are.
This works partly.
I put it in like this..
pawn Code:
stock SpawnPlayerInMinigun(playerid)
const MAX_POSITIONS = 12;
static Float:Minigunspawns[MAX_POSITIONS][4] =
}, bool:taken[MAX_POSITIONS];
new freePos;
for(; freePos < MAX_POSITIONS; freePos++)
if(!taken[freePos]) break;
if(freePos == MAX_POSITIONS) return; //no free positions left
SetPlayerPos(playerid, Minigunspawns[freePos][0], Minigunspawns[freePos][1], Minigunspawns[freePos][2]);
SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Minigunspawns[freePos][3]);
taken[freePos] = true;