27.01.2013, 15:40
A better question is WHY? What are you trying to achieve? This seems like an instance of the "X-Y" problem - you have some problem "X" and you think you have a solution "Y", but you don't know how to do "Y" so you ask how. It would be better if you told us what the problem you were trying to solve was as it is highly likely that there is a different, better solution.
If not, could you at least rephrase your question as I have no idea what you actually mean - there are no stock functions in that code, I don't know what line gives the error you quoted, and your two "SetTimerEx" lines look identical. Actually, looking at that, why not just name the two "Test" functions something different from each other? |
I often ask for other solutions because i always remember for the statement of Einstein
"Problems can be never solved from the same level of thinking with which they were created."
I have an other solutions and it works
PHP код:
#define CalculateTime(%0,%1,%2,%3) (((%0-(%1+1))*60*60*1000) +((60-(%2+1))*60*1000)+((60-%3)*1000))
#define CalculateTimeToNextDay(%0,%1,%2,%3) (((24-(%1+1))*60*60*1000) +((60-(%2+1))*60*1000)+((60-%3)*1000)+(%0*60*60*1000))
#define pTime%0(%1) forward%0(id); public%0(id)
#if !defined MAX_TIMERS
#define MAX_TIMERS 10
new bool:TimerVar[MAX_TIMERS char];
new TimerName[MAX_TIMERS][20];
forward SetTimerByTimes(functionsname[],timemin,timemax, id);
public SetTimerByTimes(functionsname[],timemin,timemax, id)
new Times[3], var;
Times[0] = 16;
Times[1] = 59;
Times[2] = 0;
//gettime(Times[0], Times[1], Times[2]);
if((Times[0]- timemin) > (Times[0]- timemax) && (Times[0]- timemin) < 0){
SetTimerEx("TimerKonfig",((Times[0] < timemin)?CalculateTime(timemin,Times[0], Times[1], Times[2]):CalculateTimeToNextDay(timemin,Times[0], Times[1], Times[2])),false,"siii",functionsname,timemin,timemax,id);
TimerVar{id} = true;
var = (Times[0] < timemin)?CalculateTime(timemin,Times[0], Times[1], Times[2]):CalculateTimeToNextDay(timemin,Times[0], Times[1], Times[2]);
printf("Time %d time from start timer %d %d %d",var,Times[0], Times[1], Times[2]);
SetTimerEx("TimerKonfig",((Times[0] < timemax)?CalculateTime(timemax,Times[0], Times[1], Times[2]):CalculateTimeToNextDay(timemax,Times[0], Times[1], Times[2])),false,"siii",functionsname,timemin,timemax,id);
TimerVar{id} = false;
return id;
forward TimerKonfig(functionsname[],timemin,timemax, id);
public TimerKonfig(functionsname[],timemin,timemax, id)
new Times[3];
gettime(Times[0], Times[1], Times[2]);
SetTimerEx("Test",((Times[0] < timemin)?(((timemin-(Times[0]+1))*60*60*1000) +((60-(Times[1]+1))*60*1000)+((60-Times[2])*1000)):(((24-(Times[0]+1))*60*60*1000) +((60-(Times[1]+1))*60*1000)+((60-Times[2])*1000)+(timemin*60*60*1000))),false,"ii",timemin,timemax);
TimerVar{id} = false;
SetTimerEx("Test",((Times[0] < timemin)?(((timemin-(Times[0]+1))*60*60*1000) +((60-(Times[1]+1))*60*1000)+((60-Times[2])*1000)):(((24-(Times[0]+1))*60*60*1000) +((60-(Times[1]+1))*60*1000)+((60-Times[2])*1000)+(timemin*60*60*1000))),false,"ii",timemin,timemax);
TimerVar{id} = true;
return 1;
But now to my first problem.
I wanted to use state for the called function.
but now when i call the functions i use an if statement
PHP код:
PHP код:
pTime btest()
return 1;
PHP код:
pTime btest()<btest:min>
return 1;
PHP код:
pTime btest()<btest:max>
return 1;
I think that it is not possibel to create a new state maschine with the name of the function in
the example
PHP код:
public SetTimerByTimes(functionsname[],timemin,timemax, id)
state functionsname:min;
PHP код:
PHP код:
public SetTimerByTimes(functionsname[],timemin,timemax, id)
state btest:min;