26.01.2013, 13:48
pawn Код:
CMD:ban(playerid, params[])
if(pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] < 2) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You are not authorised to use this command");
new PID; //define the playerid we wanna ban
new reason[64]; //the reason, put into a string
new str[128]; //a new message string
new Playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Adminname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //defines the function with the playername we wanna get
if(sscanf(params, "us[64]", PID,reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: /kick [playerid] [reason]"); //tell sscanf if the parameters/the syntax is written wrong to return a message (PID and the reason used here)
if(!IsPlayerConnected(PID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Player is not connected!"); // if the ID is wrong or not connected, return a message! (PID used here)
GetPlayerName(playerid, Adminname, sizeof(Adminname)); //defines the function with the adminname we wanna get
GetPlayerName(PID, Playername, sizeof(Playername));
format(str, sizeof(str), "'%s' has been banned by administrator '%s'. Reason: %s ", Playername, Adminname, reason); //format the string we've defined to send the message, playername and adminname are used to receive the information about the names
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_RED, str); //send that message to all
Ban(PID); //Ban the playerid we've defined
return 1;
That's how it works, you had a lot of shit in that code, also make sure that you don't use cmd:ban 2 times