Random Players joining the server

Originally Posted by Liquicity
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Well, I know that one one server no one of the admins and the owners do such stuff. Why would players do that? Is it "illegal"?
They ARE doing this, an attack would look different. It is not illegal, it's against the rules, even if I haven't seen this written anywhere it seems like they ban servers of the server list if they are caught.

I don't know why this is against the rules though, it doesn't hurt anyone, but it fucks up server and player statistics, but other than that i see no real threat.

But as someone else said, It is a lame way to gain players and only 12-year olds will stay on such server (and the owner of these servers is probably around 12 aswell).

Messages In This Thread
Random Players joining the server - by Liquicity - 25.01.2013, 23:58
Re: Random Players joining the server - by Exception - 26.01.2013, 00:19
Re: Random Players joining the server - by Guest9328472398472 - 26.01.2013, 01:15
Re: Random Players joining the server - by Liquicity - 26.01.2013, 03:00
Re: Random Players joining the server - by liquor - 26.01.2013, 10:45
AW: Random Players joining the server - by Blackazur - 26.01.2013, 10:57
Re: Random Players joining the server - by Guest9328472398472 - 26.01.2013, 13:34
Re: Random Players joining the server - by Tomboeg - 27.01.2013, 19:31
Re: Random Players joining the server - by Guest9328472398472 - 28.01.2013, 03:05
Re: Random Players joining the server - by Tomboeg - 28.01.2013, 15:03

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