[GameMode] Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing)


1. Invisible cars in the front of Taxi Cab HQ
2. The time on right side top in not the same with the time when it's used cmd /time. PICTURE BOTTOM!!!
3. Hitman HQ doesn't work.
4. On Sbizzes the commands are working but appear the text ,unknown command. ex:when it s used cmd /bizbank
5. /v lock doesn't work.
6. Trucker job
8. La famiglia sinatra /tuningopen cmd in unknowed(i don't know what this CMD do) and the /gateopen CMD says you don t have a remote control(i dont know what gate should be open) ..and the car of the faction appear after an admin use cmd /carreset.
9. If you are news report and you select to be spawnet at faction/job place ,you gonna be spawned in a chamber but you cand get out. The cars of news report faction are invisible.
10. If you are firemen and you chose to be spawned at faction place you will be spawned in the front of Taxi cab HQ.
11. In the Sons on anarchy hq is a whole in the map.


There is a primary faction Taxi and a secondary on /legaljobs list from City Hall and it s the same thing..The diferences betwen them : first is primary job and needs invite,rank etc , and secondary doesnt need nothing.just /accept job on city hall.The taxi job from city hall need to be deleted.
. The licences can be buy around los santos but exist the licence faction. one of them need to be deleted.
. To much houses ,all in LS.650 it s a great number for all map. i propose extending to all map(optional)
. Delete a few cars ,they are to much.

. I am beginner in scripting but i have 6 years of playing samp ,maybe this gm it s a mess but on whatever server i played i never seen a gm so great like this. This GM doesn't diserve to die. Sorry for my bad english.

More others after i will find them .


Messages In This Thread
Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Bugs Fixed)(Still Developing) - by Joshman543 - 01.12.2012, 01:49
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by TagazBoy - 01.12.2012, 10:10
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by mikjo - 01.12.2012, 10:42
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Mikkel_RE - 01.12.2012, 10:54
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by x96664 - 01.12.2012, 11:01
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Joshman543 - 01.12.2012, 11:05
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Mwowwtittybang - 01.12.2012, 11:05
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Joshman543 - 01.12.2012, 11:07
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Michael_Cuellar - 01.12.2012, 11:14
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Pottus - 01.12.2012, 11:21
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Wechsler - 01.12.2012, 11:43
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Joshman543 - 01.12.2012, 11:47
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by DexterBR - 01.12.2012, 12:27
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Joshman543 - 01.12.2012, 12:30
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by DexterBR - 01.12.2012, 12:31
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by DexterBR - 01.12.2012, 12:34
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Joshman543 - 01.12.2012, 12:43
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by zohartrejx - 01.12.2012, 12:59
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by DexterBR - 01.12.2012, 13:16
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Arpatos - 01.12.2012, 13:21
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Shawn_Raws - 01.12.2012, 15:03
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by DexterBR - 01.12.2012, 15:07
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Alcatraz Gaming - 01.12.2012, 15:19
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Joshman543 - 01.12.2012, 15:31
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Joshman543 - 01.12.2012, 15:38
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by DexterBR - 01.12.2012, 16:20
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Knight 47 - 01.12.2012, 17:30
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Nicks - 02.12.2012, 15:11
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by TagazBoy - 15.12.2012, 11:42
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by MrThug - 20.12.2012, 10:13
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Alphonse - 26.01.2013, 01:59
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by MrAmos123 - 28.01.2013, 14:54
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by FusionzzRoleplay - 28.01.2013, 21:14
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by DexterBR - 21.02.2013, 21:53
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by Sweez - 26.02.2013, 08:49
Re: Raven's Roleplay [0.3e] Edit (Developing) - by macparas - 13.03.2013, 04:22

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