Y U No clear chat ?

Hai guys (almost changed u to a)
I have a simple idea for SA:MP, clearing the chat when its being closed (Esc button) or just setting its value to "" (nothing) so people wouldnt show their rcon by some mistake (sometimes i was 100% sure that chat is empty, and on chat it showed /rcon login PW)
In vb.net it would be like:
'This code happens on chat close (esc) THIS IS JUST A COMMENT
ChatBox.Text = "" 'Chat is cleared, its value is set to like..nothing
Of course this cant be probably used in SA:MP because the code up is VB.NET and if im correct then SA:MP is made in C++ , but im pretty sure its easy to convert.ChatBox.Text means that it changes "Text" value in ChatBox (Textbox)
I think its not so hard coding, and you could add this idea.

Messages In This Thread
Y U No clear chat ? - by network - 21.01.2013, 17:38
Re: Y U No clear chat ? - by Jay_ - 21.01.2013, 17:45
Re: Y U No clear chat ? - by HyDrAtIc - 21.01.2013, 18:09
Re: Y U No clear chat ? - by Astralis - 21.01.2013, 18:12
Re: Y U No clear chat ? - by Astralis - 21.01.2013, 19:29

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