undefined symbol

Originally Posted by Infinity90
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There are 3 words there -_- which is the unidentified... At least put some effort in explaining.
He did tell you if you'd actually look at the code.

@OP: Simply put the line of the error below the line underneath it :
pawn Код:
new vehicleid = AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs];
    new HouseID = AVehicleData[vehicleid][BelongsToHouse];// Undefined symbol vehicleid

Messages In This Thread
undefined symbol - by Neil. - 21.01.2013, 09:50
Re: undefined symbol - by Infinity90 - 21.01.2013, 10:19
Re: undefined symbol - by LarzI - 21.01.2013, 10:37
Re : undefined symbol - by [HRD]Mar1 - 21.01.2013, 10:40
Re: Re : undefined symbol - by Neil. - 21.01.2013, 11:08

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