Homeless Jumpers

Homeless Jumpers is a B.A.S.E Jumps team. We focus on mastering B.A.S.E Jumping in SA-MP by training and practicing on different maps. HJ is founded and leaded by me, iPoke, on January 18 2013.

There`s nothing much to say about us, we enjoy jumping and jumping again, when we don`t jump well, we`re usually sleeping or we are respawning Joking but, yeah, we like to do B.A.S.E Jumping.

I created this thread because I want to take HomeLess Jumpers further. I`m looking for members who never get bored of jumping and who want to have fun, hanging around with us. If you want to join us, leave a reply here or PM me and we`ll state a meeting where we can dicuss and maybe put you to a little test.

Homeless Jumpers is also looking for a sponsor, I`m currently working on HJ GameMode and I`d like to have a public place to host it so, everybody can test and enjoy at aswell as Homeless Jumpers would love to have their own place with their own favorite jumps. We don`t need a server bigger than 50 slots, I think 50 slots is more than enough for HJ.

If any of you guys would like to help me with some maps, PM me with some screens of the map and the code so I can test it, if it looks good enough, it will be added to the Game Mode.
*Note: Only B.A.S.E Jump maps are accepted.*

  • iPoke
  • Leroy

Messages In This Thread
Homeless Jumpers - by Spookie98 - 20.01.2013, 18:35
Re: Homeless Jumpers - by Haydn - 20.01.2013, 18:44
Re: Homeless Jumpers - by u3ber - 20.01.2013, 18:44
Re: Homeless Jumpers - by Spookie98 - 20.01.2013, 18:46
Re: Homeless Jumpers - by Haydn - 20.01.2013, 18:48
Re: Homeless Jumpers - by Wennicke - 20.01.2013, 18:49
Re: Homeless Jumpers - by Haydn - 20.01.2013, 18:51
Re: Homeless Jumpers - by Spookie98 - 20.01.2013, 18:55
Re: Homeless Jumpers - by Wennicke - 20.01.2013, 18:58
Re: Homeless Jumpers - by Potassium - 21.01.2013, 19:53

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