how would i...

stock DoesPlayerHaveAnyWeapons_OMG_thats_a_long_name_for_a_Freakn_function(playerid)
   new ammo,weapon;
   for(new slot=0; slot<12; slot++) // Assuming that there are only 12 weapon slots (cuz now I don't remember the real count)
     if(ammo || weapon) return true; //ZOMFG >_> we found one.
   return false; // Nope.. he's clean.
Should work.

Messages In This Thread
how would i... - by CJ101 - 17.02.2009, 00:31
Re: how would i... - by Joe Staff - 17.02.2009, 00:42
Re: how would i... - by 1337pr0 - 17.02.2009, 03:21
Re: how would i... - by kazimieras - 17.02.2009, 07:23
Re: how would i... - by 1337pr0 - 17.02.2009, 08:32

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