Detecting fall

I was going to suggest checking the falling animation, but since this concerns vehicles that won't work.
You could try getting the vehicles velocity and checking if the vehicle has a negative Z velocity.

Messages In This Thread
Detecting fall - Problem solved for now - by jibileu - 20.01.2013, 16:43
AW: Detecting fall - by IPrototypeI - 20.01.2013, 17:07
Re: AW: Detecting fall - by jibileu - 20.01.2013, 17:21
Re: Detecting fall - by Vince - 20.01.2013, 17:24
Re: Detecting fall - by B-Matt - 20.01.2013, 17:39
Re: Detecting fall - by jibileu - 20.01.2013, 18:38
Re: Detecting fall - by B-Matt - 20.01.2013, 19:32
Re: Detecting fall - by jibileu - 20.01.2013, 19:37

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