Possible? Or Not?

When i say existant, i mean released on SAMP forums. There is 1 plugin which i will not name, but i have a copy and was banned from SAMP because it used the source of SAMP to simulate a connection.

Therefore, existant, no. Just wait, bot support is coming. im sure of this.

Messages In This Thread
Possible? Or Not? - by The Fame - 15.02.2009, 23:43
Re: Possible? Or Not? - by AlExAlExAlEx - 16.02.2009, 00:00
Re: Possible? Or Not? - by Pghpunkid - 16.02.2009, 00:05
Re: Possible? Or Not? - by The Fame - 16.02.2009, 00:34
Re: Possible? Or Not? - by Mikep - 16.02.2009, 01:20
Re: Possible? Or Not? - by Pghpunkid - 16.02.2009, 02:06
Re: Possible? Or Not? - by AlExAlExAlEx - 16.02.2009, 02:56
Re: Possible? Or Not? - by Pghpunkid - 16.02.2009, 03:00
Re: Possible? Or Not? - by flames - 16.02.2009, 06:51
Re: Possible? Or Not? - by Guziiinho - 16.02.2009, 12:00

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