SAMP 0.3e: Register vehicle to owner

Alright guys first of all i want to thank each and everyone of you who take the time to answer questions and iv reach to a stage where im ready to answer questions myself but i also got some questions that need answering of my own.

I would like to know how to register or assign a vehicle to a client that purchases a vehicle under any commands that i choose. And i would like that when anyone enters that vehicle that the server knows who the owner for that vehicle is. My big guess is to create a new variable (the vehicle) and define it with the vehicle modle at the dealership. then to display a dialog that options you to purchase / buy the vehicle or cancel. Then if the vehicle is purchase the player can now create that vehicle when ever they spawn once i save the vehicle model but i dont even know how to do anything with a vehicle you or anyone is not inside of. so you can already see where im stuck

new buffalo

public OnGameMode // bla bla (im lazy)
buffalo = addstaticvehicle( yes yes yes);

Show dialog bla bla
bla bal
Once purchase create vehicle
PutPlayerInVehicle(so so

Once in vehicle and so is where im stuck

Sorry i was lazy to type it but i you understand if your scripter cause if not then i guess you dont even know where to begin however since we all are and we're sharing knowledge you see where im stuck so can anyone help me that would be nice. Id love to introduce you to my server some time but i cant even get it online i dint check what i need completely since i first got into it and i failed on a few tries but believe im one epic mapper and i dont defile physics and my maps are real even in my DM maps. I like to make real cool and better but scared as hell to let anyone copy me since my friends find it alot better than alot of maps but iv seen some experience guys out there in their interiors. Im only good at small interiors and exteriors not big interiors
i drift offcource but please help

Messages In This Thread
SAMP 0.3e: Register vehicle to owner - by Don21x - 17.01.2013, 01:37
Re: SAMP 0.3e: Register vehicle to owner - by niCe - 17.01.2013, 04:37
Re: SAMP 0.3e: Register vehicle to owner - by Don21x - 17.01.2013, 13:24
Re: SAMP 0.3e: Register vehicle to owner - by 2KY - 17.01.2013, 15:42
AW: SAMP 0.3e: Register vehicle to owner - by Blackazur - 17.01.2013, 15:55
Re: SAMP 0.3e: Register vehicle to owner - by Don21x - 17.01.2013, 19:38
Re: SAMP 0.3e: Register vehicle to owner - by Don21x - 18.01.2013, 01:37

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