Warning 225: Unreachable Code.

pawn Code:
            TollGateStatus = 0;
            MoveDynamicObject(TollGate, -1577.1999512,-1606.6999512,36.7999992,0.0000000,336.7500000,98.0000000, 2);
        return 1; // REMOVE THIS
You made an if and a else, then there's no way that the machine reaches that return 1 because it's gonna fall in the if or in the else always.

Messages In This Thread
Warning 225: Unreachable Code. - by Krakuski - 16.01.2013, 22:29
Respuesta: Warning 225: Unreachable Code. - by Fabio11 - 16.01.2013, 22:38
Re: Warning 225: Unreachable Code. - by Krakuski - 16.01.2013, 22:44
Re: Warning 225: Unreachable Code. - by Bicentric - 16.01.2013, 22:53
Re: Warning 225: Unreachable Code. - by Krakuski - 16.01.2013, 23:39
Respuesta: Warning 225: Unreachable Code. - by Fabio11 - 17.01.2013, 00:10
Re: Warning 225: Unreachable Code. - by Threshold - 17.01.2013, 03:45

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