16.01.2013, 14:24
hey it works ok but its showing the Register Dialog for me even though my accunt is registered?
new string[128],account[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid,account,sizeof(account)); format(string, sizeof(string), "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `Name` = '%s' LIMIT 1", account); mysql_function_query(mCon, string, true, "CheckAccount", "i",playerid); forward CheckAccount(playerid,account[]); public CheckAccount(playerid,account[]) { new rows, fields; cache_get_data(rows, fields); if(rows) // registered { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,dlogin,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Login","Welcome back. This account is registered. \nInsert your password to login to your account","Login","Quit"); } else // Not registered { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,dregister,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Register","Welcome! This account is not registered.\nEnter your own password to create a new account.","Register","Quit"); } return 1; }