Loading car spawns from file?

well, a small scheme would look like this, I guess

public OnGameModeInit()



stock LoadVehiclesFromFile()
  new File: file = fopen("file name", io_read);

  new data[256];
  while (fread(file,data))
     // use something here to split the string into all sorts of smaller strings, usable for extracting data
     // this requires every car to be saved like this >>> model,x,y,z,a,col1,col2
     // so with commas to seperate the different values
     CreateVehicle(model, x, y, z, a, col1, col2);
  return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Loading car spawns from file? - by Littlejth - 15.02.2009, 17:54
Re: Loading car spawns from file? - by [RP]Rav - 15.02.2009, 17:58

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