MySQL Connection

Originally Posted by azzerking
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Make sure you close the mysql connection after you perform a query statment
If you do this you'll be in for A LOT of lag. Continuesly connecting and disconnecting to a database is very slow. You only need to connect and disconnect once, which is during OnGameModeInit() and OnGameModeExit().

Check all your queries for mistakes (use mysql_debug(1) to check them), incase you can't find the error and want to brute-force the connection into working you can use something like this in a loop:

pawn Код:
if(!mysql_ping()) {

Messages In This Thread
MySQL Connection - by CoaPsyFactor - 13.01.2013, 22:30
Re: MySQL Connection - by Scenario - 14.01.2013, 00:01
Re: MySQL Connection - by meycool - 16.01.2013, 07:35
Re: MySQL Connection - by RajatPawar - 16.01.2013, 07:46
Re: MySQL Connection - by azzerking - 16.01.2013, 08:15
Re: MySQL Connection - by Sinner - 16.01.2013, 08:32

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