Originally Posted by [HRD]Mar1
pawn Код:
forward PingKick(); public PingKick() { if(ServerInfo[MaxPing] != 0) {
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { AccInfo[i][pPing] = GetPlayerPing(i);
if(GetPlayerPing(i) > ServerInfo[MaxPing]) { if(AccInfo[i][PingCount] == 0) AccInfo[i][PingTime] = TimeStamp();
AccInfo[i][PingCount]++; if(TimeStamp() - AccInfo[i][PingTime] > PING_TIMELIMIT) { AccInfo[i][PingTime] = TimeStamp(); AccInfo[i][PingCount] = 1; } else if(AccInfo[i][PingCount] >= PING_MAX_EXCEEDS) { new Sum, Average, x, string[128]; while (x < PING_MAX_EXCEEDS) { Sum += AccInfo[i][pPing][x]; x++; } Average = (Sum / PING_MAX_EXCEEDS); format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has been kicked from the server. (Reason: High Ping (%d) | Average (%d) | Max Allowed (%d) )", PlayerName2(i), GetPlayerPing(i), Average, ServerInfo[MaxPing] ); SendClientMessageToAll(grey,string); Kick(i); } } } } }
It works and never mind. I'm using now ladmin, not LuxAdmin. Too many bugs there.